[All] The idea of ”A staff dedicated to playback”
[All] Comparison of piano sound sources (GIFF, CFX Lite, NotePerformer)
[All] Listening and comparing various sound sources for jazz (JABB3, Note Performer)
[All] Comparison of expressions of guitar harmonics playing in music notation software
[All] Comparison of guitar ghost notes, brushing, glissando, and pick scratch expressions in music notation software
[All] Impact of music notation software on notation conventions for guitar scores
[All] Create your own practice materials using music notation software (2) Easy Chopin for beginners
[All] Create your own practice materials using music notation software (1) with iReal Pro
[All] Create a score that you can easily coming back even if you get lost during performance
[Finale] Listening and comparing various sound sources (GIFF, GPO5, NotePerformer, BBCSO Discover)
[all] Dealing with file saving errors: Make it a habit to create backups
[all] Dealing with file save errors: Avoid leaving files open
[all] General-purpose troubleshooting method: Reinstallation
[all] General-purpose troubleshooting method: Delete (rebuild) the preference file